English Language Learners
English Language LearnersTop of Page
English Language Learners
Special programs are available to provide increased instructional opportunities for English learners in the East Side Union High School District. The goal of these programs is to improve the language proficiency of English learners and help them meet State content standards.
Superintendent's Vision
Our vision for the English Learners program incorporates the following outcomes:
Ensure that each English Learner (EL) is provided with an appropriate instructional program to accelerate her/his English language development while maximizing, supporting and, whenever possible, developing the student's home language;
Efficiently and accurately identify the language support needs of students who bring a language other than English to our schools;
Incorporate sufficient English Language Development (ELD) and Sheltered courses into master schedules to meet the language and academic needs of EL students;
Effectively communicate with parents to ensure collaborative program placement and increase parent participation and involvement;
Ensure proper program placement within the first thirty days of school;
Provide quality, trained staff, fully prepared to meet the language acquisition, academic growth, and cross-cultural needs of EL students;
Adequately support and provide resources to teaching, administrative, and support staff assigned to serve EL students and their families;
Annually monitor the academic progress of EL students
Demonstrate annual progress toward English proficiency;
Set and meet annual reclassification goals;
Encourage and support educational opportunities for students to become bilingual/bi-literate.

COURSES Top of Page
ELD 1: English Language Arts 1 (ELL). D3100XX. / R4100XX
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisites: Placement in the ELD program. Test scores/teacher recommendation
Description: This course is for recently arrived students that are learning English as a second language. Its focus is to increase English fluency through the integration of listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities presented in thematic units. Students will learn to write basic personal information and short responses in a structured context, initiate a simple dialogue, follow instructions or directions and demonstrate understanding by re-telling a simple story. Students enrolled in this course are also required to take ELD Literacy 1. This course is not considered a college preparatory course and will not be placed on a four-year college application.
ELD 2: English Language Arts 2 (ELL). D320XX.
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisites: Placement in the ELD program. Test scores/teacher recommendation
Description: This ELD course is the second level of English language development. The student learns both single-paragraph and multi-paragraph development with a focus on correct tense, subject-verb agreement, punctuation and structure. Literary terms in LA2 include a focus on setting, character, plot, theme, conflict and resolution. Vocabulary enlargement and communication skills are also part of the language curriculum for LA2. Students enrolled in this course are also required to take ELD Literacy 2. This course is not considered a college preparatory course and will not be placed on a four-year college application.
P-ELD 3: - English Language Arts 3 (ELL). D3300XX. UC/CSU (A-G Category: B)
Grade Level: 9-12
Requirement Prerequisites: Placement in the ELD program. Test scores/teacher recommendation
Description: This ELD course is the third level of English language development. The student continues to expand listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with a greater emphasis on literature and paragraph development. This course provides an in-depth study of English language structures, vocabulary, and literature. Students enrolled in this course are also required to take ELD Literacy 3.
Grades 9 -12
This is a one-year basic reading improvement course for non-native English speakers that focuses on increasing English fluency including the ability to understand short, simple text, communicate basic needs and comprehend sequenced information on familiar topics. Students enrolled in this course are required to be concurrently enrolled in ELD Language Arts 1.
Grades 9-12
This is a one-year basic reading improvement course for non-native English speakers that support the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills found in ELD Language Arts 2. The course continues to develop language through vocabulary expansion and reading comprehension skills. Literature, recreational reading, and content area reading are included. By the end of this course, students will be able to restate main events in a story using complete sentences and simple transition words. Students will deliver short oral presentations. Students will also be able to identify the characters, theme, setting and plot in familiar literature. Students enrolled in this course are required to be concurrently enrolled in ELD Language Arts 2 or 3.
Grades 9 -12
This is a one-year basic reading improvement course for non-native English speakers that supports the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills found in ELD Language Arts 3. The course is for intermediate level ELD students who have been in the United States for three to four years. It continues to develop language through vocabulary expansion and reading comprehension skills. Literature, recreational reading, content area reading, and individual reading skills needs are included. By the end of the course, students will be able to use context clues to understand new vocabulary, make predictions, draw conclusions, recognize cause and effect and sequence events. Students will also be able to use standard English to respond to questions about content material. Students enrolled in this course are required to be concurrently enrolled in ELD Language Arts 3