Social Studies

Courses UC/CSU (A-G Category: A)
- World History
- United States History
- Advanced Placement U.S. History
- American Government
- Economics
- Advanced American Government
- Advanced Economics
Courses UC/CSU (A-G Category: G)
- Sociology - Elective
- Psychology - Elective
The normal sequence of social studies during the student’s four years in high school is listed below:
- 10th grade: World History (one-year course) required for graduation.
- 11th grade: United States History (one-year course). All students must earn passing grades in both semesters of the course in order to meet graduation requirements.
- 12th grade: American Government (one semester) and fundamentals of Economics (one semester). Students must earn a passing grade in American Government and Fundamental of Economics to fulfill graduation requirements.
S2000XX. P-World History
(10th -12th graders)
World History students begin by studying the connections between moral and ethical principles found in ancient
Greece and Rome as well as Judaism and Christianity in the development of American political thought. The
course then continues with a study of revolutions in England, the United States, and France and their enduring
effects on expectations for self-government and individual rights. World History then proceeds chronologically
through the major events of the modern world: the Industrial Revolution, Imperialism, World War I and its
consequences, Totalitarianism after World War I, World War II, and international developments in the post-
World War II world.
• All students are required to pass both semesters of World History.
S2000XP. P- World History AP
World History students begin by studying the connections between moral and ethical principles found in ancient
Greece and Rome as well as Judaism and Christianity in the development of American political thought. The
course then continues with a study of revolutions in England, the United States, and France and their enduring
effects on expectations for self-government and individual rights. World History then proceeds chronologically
through the major events of the modern world: the Industrial Revolution, Imperialism, World War I and its
consequences, Totalitarianism after World War I, World War II, and international developments in the post-
World War II world.
• All students are required to pass both semesters of World History.
S2000XP. P- World History AP
10th-12th graders)
Advanced Placement World History is a college level class that will challenge the student throughout a study of\
World History from 1000 to the present. Students will be required to work with Primary Source materials, write
numerous essays and develop higher order critical thinking skills. The course will also prepare the participants
for the College Board Advanced Placement Examination in World History. Students achieving a score of 3 or
above on the AP examination will earn college credit
World History from 1000 to the present. Students will be required to work with Primary Source materials, write
numerous essays and develop higher order critical thinking skills. The course will also prepare the participants
for the College Board Advanced Placement Examination in World History. Students achieving a score of 3 or
above on the AP examination will earn college credit
S3000XX. P-United States History
(11th and 12th graders)
Students in U.S. History study the major turning points in American History in the 20th century. Following a
review of the nation’s early history including the impact of the Enlightenment on U.S. democratic ideals,
students proceed chronologically through U.S. History including the Rise of Industrialization, Rise of the United
States as a World Power, the 1920’s, the Depression, World War II, and post-World War II America (economic
boom, foreign policy, civil rights, and major social problems).
• All students are required to pass both semesters of US History in order to satisfy the District’s graduation
S3000XP. P- U.S History AP
Students in U.S. History study the major turning points in American History in the 20th century. Following a
review of the nation’s early history including the impact of the Enlightenment on U.S. democratic ideals,
students proceed chronologically through U.S. History including the Rise of Industrialization, Rise of the United
States as a World Power, the 1920’s, the Depression, World War II, and post-World War II America (economic
boom, foreign policy, civil rights, and major social problems).
• All students are required to pass both semesters of US History in order to satisfy the District’s graduation
S3000XP. P- U.S History AP
(11th graders)
The AP program in United States History is designed to provide students with the analytical skills and factual
knowledge necessary to deal critically with United States history. Students should learn to assess historical
materials – their relevance to a given interpretive problem, their importance and to weigh the evidence. Students
will be required to take the AP Exam in May.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of World History is strongly recommended.
S4000XX. P-American Government
The AP program in United States History is designed to provide students with the analytical skills and factual
knowledge necessary to deal critically with United States history. Students should learn to assess historical
materials – their relevance to a given interpretive problem, their importance and to weigh the evidence. Students
will be required to take the AP Exam in May.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of World History is strongly recommended.
S4000XX. P-American Government
(12th graders) (Semester)
Students will pursue a deeper understanding of the institutions of American government. They will study
history and changing interpretations of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the current state of the
legislative, executive, and judiciary branches of government. This class represents the culmination of civic
literacy as students prepare to vote, participate in community activities, and assume the responsibilities of
• This course must be passed to graduate.
S5000XX. P-Economics
Students will pursue a deeper understanding of the institutions of American government. They will study
history and changing interpretations of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the current state of the
legislative, executive, and judiciary branches of government. This class represents the culmination of civic
literacy as students prepare to vote, participate in community activities, and assume the responsibilities of
• This course must be passed to graduate.
S5000XX. P-Economics
(12th graders) (Semester)
Economics is a survey course designed to introduce the student to the science of economics. The individual will
receive, initially, a perspective of the American economy followed by a traditional sequence of studies ranging
from a look at the concept of scarcity to a view of international economic conditions. The course treats the
elements of economics theoretically and, at the same time, allows for a variety in approach and structure that
will meet the requirements of different students with a wide range of needs.
• This course must be passed to graduate.
S8250XX. P-Sociology
Economics is a survey course designed to introduce the student to the science of economics. The individual will
receive, initially, a perspective of the American economy followed by a traditional sequence of studies ranging
from a look at the concept of scarcity to a view of international economic conditions. The course treats the
elements of economics theoretically and, at the same time, allows for a variety in approach and structure that
will meet the requirements of different students with a wide range of needs.
• This course must be passed to graduate.
S8250XX. P-Sociology
S8750XX. P-Psychology
(11th and 12th graders)
Sociology/Psychology is a two semester course designed to develop in the student an understanding of groups
and their behavior. Students will study social norms and the individual roles assumed by members of a group as
a result of those norms. Different social groups will be studied and the importance as past of the social setting
will be explored. A strong emphasis will be placed on class participation, student responsibility, meeting
deadlines, coping with stress, and thinking positively. A few research projects will be performed on an off-
campus (field trips). You will leave this class with a strong sense of control over your life and a deeper
understanding and acceptance of the behavior of others, as well as your own.
Sociology/Psychology is a two semester course designed to develop in the student an understanding of groups
and their behavior. Students will study social norms and the individual roles assumed by members of a group as
a result of those norms. Different social groups will be studied and the importance as past of the social setting
will be explored. A strong emphasis will be placed on class participation, student responsibility, meeting
deadlines, coping with stress, and thinking positively. A few research projects will be performed on an off-
campus (field trips). You will leave this class with a strong sense of control over your life and a deeper
understanding and acceptance of the behavior of others, as well as your own.
Useful Social Science LinksTop of Page
- Best History Sites
- BJ Pinchbeck’s Homework Helper
- Digital History
- PBS TeacherSource: Social Studies
- SCORE: History/Social Science (Schools of California Online Resources for Education)