Special Education

Special Education Courses (Fulfills East Side Graduation Requirements ONLY) Top of Page
X1600XX/EX. English 1 Essentials
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: None
Program Requirement: Special Education
Duration: Year Long
Description: English 1 Essentials is a standards-based English course for students with disabilities. The course provides a breadth of exposure to the content, skills, and strategies required to meet grade level language arts content standards and enables students to be more prepared to transfer into a full inclusion English 1 class or an English 2 Essentials class. Students are assessed to show growth rather than proficiency.
X1700XX/EX English 2 Essentials
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: Passed 1 Semester of English 1 Essentials with "D-" or higher
Program Requirement: Special Education
Duration: Year Long
Description: English 2 Essentials is a standards-based English course for students with disabilities. The course provides a breadth of exposure to the content, skills, and strategies required to meet grade level language arts content standards and enables students to be better prepared to transfer into a full inclusion English 2 class. Students are assessed to show growth rather than proficiency.
X1800XX/EX. English 3 Essentials
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Passed 1 Semester of English 2 Essentials with "D-" or higher
Program Requirement: Special Education
Duration: Year Long
Description: English 3 Essentials is a standards-based English course for students with disabilities. The course provides a breadth of exposure to the content, skills, and strategies required to meet grade level language arts content standards and enables students to be better prepared to transfer into a full inclusion English 3 class. Students are assessed to show growth rather than proficiency. This course satisfies 1 year of the East Side Union High School District's English requirement.
X3900XX/EX Math 1 Essentials
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: TBA
Program Requirement: Special Education
Duration: Year Long
Description: The course is one year in length and fulfills the math requirement for high school graduation. The fundamental purpose of the CCSS Math 1 Essentials course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. Instruction time, infused with the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice, should focus on six critical areas: (1) extend understanding of numerical manipulation to algebraic manipulation; (2) synthesize understanding of function; (3) deepen and extend understanding of linear relationships; (4) apply linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend; (5) establish criteria for congruence based on rigid motions; and (6) justify mathematical thinking.
X3970XX/EX. Math 2 Essentials
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: TBA
Program Requirement: Special Education
Duration: Year Long
Description: The course is one year in length and fulfills math requirements for high school graduation. The fundamental purpose of the CCSS Math 2 Essentials course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. Instruction time, infused with the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice, should focus on six critical areas: (1) extend understanding of numerical manipulation to algebraic manipulation; (2) synthesize understanding of function; (3) deepen and extend understanding of linear relationships; (4) apply linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend; (5) establish criteria for congruence based on rigid motions; and (6) justify mathematical thinking.
X4420XX/EX. Physical Science Essentials
Grade Level: 9-12
Program Requirement: Special Education
Duration: Year Long
Description: Physical Science Essentials offers our Mild/ Moderate Special Education student an accommodated amalgam of our NGSS: Chemistry in the Earth's System and Physics of the Universe, courses by engaging the student in laboratory investigations of geophysical phenomena and their impactful relationship to our changing biosphere.-
X4620XX/EX Living Earth Essentials
Grade Level: 9-12
Program Requirement: Special Education
Duration: Year Long
Description: Biology Essentials offers our Mild/ Moderate Special Education student, an accommodated version of the NGSS: The Living Earth course and engages the student in laboratory investigations of molecular biology, evolution, bioenergetics and humanities relationship with our changing environment.
X5000XX/EX World History Essentials
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing
Program Requirement: Special Education
Duration: Year Long
Description: TBA
X5500XX/EX. US History
Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Junior Standing
Program Requirement: Special Education
Duration: Year Long
Description: TBA
-X6000XX/EX. Economics
Grade Level: 12
Program Requirement: Special Education
Duration: Year Long
Description: TBA
-X7000XX/EX. American Government
Grade Level: 12
Prerequisite: Junior Standing
Program Requirement: Special Education
Duration: Year Long
Description: TBA
Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite:Requirement: Special Education
Duration: Year Long
Description: The class is designed to help students who have struggled with academics by teaching them how to be a student. Through the course, students develop: self-awareness and self reflection, decision making and taking responsibility, positive personal interaction, conflict resolution, setting and reaching goals, time management and organization, talking out problems, time to do homework, as well as help with homework.