Attendance - Behavior
Attendance and BehaviorTop of Page
It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to call the Attendance Office each day a student is or will be absent from school. All period absences not verified by parents are listed as “cut.” Mt. Pleasant High School uses an auto-dialing phone system to inform parents of any absences. The auto-dial system calls twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, if there are one or more period absences in any day. Student absences are recorded on grade reports that are sent out every six weeks.
When you call to report an absence you will not be able to speak to a live person, rather we ask that you
leave a message with your name, the student’s name, ID, date of birth, and reason for absence at
408 937-2821 or 408 937-2822.
If you have specific questions, please call the appropriate person at the designated extension.
Attendance records cannot be adjusted after 20 or more school days. If a parent has not communicated with our office within 20 days of an absence, the record will remain as posted.
The East Side Union High School District has adopted a policy that allows teachers to assign a failing grade to students who are absent more than 12 classes in any semester. In addition, students with more than 5 classes cut in any semester are automatically reported to the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s office for action through the Student Attendance Recovery Board (SARB). Students and parents can be cited and prosecuted for a student’s excessive absences from school.
The only valid reasons for excused absences are:
- Illness or medical appointment
- Court mandated appointments
- Funeral of an immediate family member
No other absence can be excused.
If you receive a recorded message regarding student absences, please call the Mt. Pleasant Attendance Office at 408-937-2821 or 408-937-2822.
Seniors who fail to attend as required will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony, regardless of credits or grade point average.
Tardy Policy
Being on time to class is the responsibility of the student. It is the teacher’s responsibility to enforce the policy affecting tardiness so that there will be a uniform policy throughout the school.
Definition of Tardy
Students are tardy if not in their seat or station when instruction begins.
Definition of Excused Tardy
An excused tardy is given only for a signed pass from a staff member.
Tardy Procedures
Teacher counsels and warns student and may assign in-class consequences. After the third tardy the teacher may assign one-hour detention for each tardy.
Dress Code
Dress and Grooming
In cooperation with teachers, students and parents/guardians, the principal or designee shall establish school rules governing student dress and grooming that are consistent with law, Governing Board policy and administrative regulations. These school dress codes shall be regularly reviewed. The principal or designee of each school site will ensure that the following District Dress Standards are contained within the local site Student Behavior Code.
(cf. 0420 School Plans/Site Councils)
Photo I.D.
The East Side Union High School District has adopted the policy that all students in the district will display a Photo ID Badge. All photo identification badges must be clearly visible at all times. They must be displayed on the front side of a person at the beltline or above and below the neck. Students not wearing ID badges will be subject to progressive disciplinary procedures. Repeated ID Badge violations will be treated as insubordination.
A photo ID is required for all school transactions including but not limited to class changes, borrowing library books, purchasing dance tickets, picking up schedules, buying lunch, accessing a computer and getting textbooks from the bookroom.
Electronic Devices
California Education Code 48901.5 states that no school shall permit the possession or use of any electronic signaling device including but not limited to paging and signaling equipment, cell phones, etc. by pupils of the school while the pupils are on campus and while attending school-sponsored activities, or while under the supervision and control of school district employees. Therefore CELL PHONES may only be used before school begins for the day or after school when students are leaving campus. Cell Phones may be used in the student bus loading zones and parking lots. Cell Phone use is prohibited within school buildings and the interior quad areas.
Additionally, education Code 51512 provides that use of any electronic listening or recording device in any classroom that disrupts and impairs the teaching process and discipline is prohibited.
It is the policy of Mt. Pleasant High School that ELECTRONIC DEVICES OF ANY TYPE shall not be permitted on campus. This includes cameras, cell phones, mp3 players,, video games,, walkmans, recorders etc. Additionally, students who are working on a special project that will require a video or digital camera must have prior written consent from the administration.
Skateboards/scooters/bikes are not allowed on the interior of campus. Students may use the bike storage devices on the outside of campus to lock up bikes, skateboards and scooters.
Closed Campus and Visitors
Mt. Pleasant High School is a closed campus. All visitors are required to sign-in at the main reception desk in the office when coming onto campus to conduct school business.? Non-students or other unauthorized persons on campus can be cited for trespassing by the San Jose Police Department.
Students are not permitted to leave campus during the school day unless an authorized advanced absence has been arranged with the attendance office.
Campus Boundaries
For security and safety reasons, students are to remain on the interior of campus during the school day. The areas on the outside of classroom buildings and the parking lots are off limits during the instructional day.
Policy on Bio-Chemical Threats/Hoax, Weapons, or Intruders
Threats: Bio-Chemical or Intruder
Mt. Pleasant High School supports a ZERO TOLERANCE for any hoax or joke relating to bio-chemical and other types of threats to the health and safety of our school community. This also includes bomb scares, threats or weapons, or threats (scare tactics) of possible intruders on campus. Students will be subject to immediate disciplinary action including prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.
Weapons of any type, real, replicas (fake) or toy are not permitted on campus and may result in suspension, expulsion, involuntary transfer, arrest, and/or police citation. Any type of instrument, even though it is legal to bring on to campus, but is used as a weapon may result in severe disciplinary action as previously described above.
Laser Pointers
Laser pointers are not permitted on campus. If brought on campus, they will be confiscated and will be discarded. Severe disciplinary consequences (and possible legal action) will result in the event of any person pointing a laser at an individual?s eyes or body.
Policy Pertaining to Hate-Motivated Behavior and Crime
(Board Policy 5145.9)
The Governing Board of the East Side Union High School District affirms the right for all students, staff, and parents and guardians to be free hate crimes, abusive statements, or any activity that degrades the unique qualities of an individual, such as race, ethnicity, culture, heritage, gender identification, physical/mental attributes, religious beliefs and practices. Such verbal or physical acts are damaging to one?s self-esteem and will not be tolerated in our educational institutions. The Board encourages the superintendent and staff to develop programs the enhance self-esteem, raise awareness and sensitivity, and foster respect for individuals and their unique qualities.
The Board recognizes that such hate-crime statements, threats, physical assault, or damage to property are inflammatory to those victimized by such acts and jeopardize the safety and well being of students and staff. The Board authorizes the staff to discipline students or others involved in such acts, including suspensions and recommendations for expulsion.
Sexual Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
1. Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical contact, or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of sexual nature. Grounds for disciplinary of legal action include but are not limited to:
Comments, jokes, gestures, or looks of a sexual or lewd nature
References to gender, or name calling, rumors, or request for sexual favors
Unwelcome touching, grabbing, pinching, whistling
Being intentionally brushed up against or blocked from freely moving; having clothing pulled in a sexually suggestive way
Being forced to kiss someone or do something sexual other than kissing
Sexually offensive pictures or graffiti.
2. Harassment and Intimidation
Mt. Pleasant High School enforces the policy on harassment and intimidation. This policy applies to individuals who pick on, bully, harass, push around, threaten, laugh at or mock, or threaten another individual over any issue. Disciplinary consequences include but are not limited to after school detention, community service hours, suspension, removal from the classroom, removal from the school, possible police citation, or conflict mediation, depending on the degree of the problem.