In alignment with our district-wide MTSS structure, we have a new referral system that is designed to catch all concerns for students' academic, behavioral and/or mental health & wellness needs. Here is the link: Care Team Referral. It is also on our Care Team Referral Poster and in the Teacher Handbook.
The CARE Team (composed of our APA, APED, student advisors, counselors, school psychologists, MTSS TOSA, PCIS, and CBO staff) will evaluate each referral case at their weekly CARE meetings on Wednesday mornings. At these meetings, we will discuss supports that have been attempted with the student and determine the next steps to support the student appropriately.
If a student or parent requests a 504 or SST, and IEP, or evaluation, let them know that the first step is to complete and submit a CARE Team referral. If a parent contacts you and is concerned about their student's progress or mental health, please submit or have them submit a CareTeam referral as well.
Thank you for all you do to support all of our students!